Sharpstown Prize for Architecture
The Screen House
6822 Rowan St., Houston TX 77074

The Sharpstown Prize for Architecture was created in 2017 by Michael S. Prentice to challenge graduate level architecture students to design a single-family residence with modern and progressive materials while adhering to the appropriate deed restrictions.
Unlike similar competitions, this one is unique in that the prize is the actual building of the home based on the winning entry.
The Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design at the University of Houston, led by Dean Patricia Belton Oliver, was chosen as the partner for the inaugural competition. Distinguished Professor Rafael Longoria developed and conducted a graduate level studio class. Ten students participated – Brooks Caton, Mariela Flores, Michelle Gabriel, Alicia Lopez, Jennifer Minor, Andy Rowell, Nicholas Seckfort, Pooja Shetty, Blanca Soto, and Tanmay Thakker. The competition began on August 21, 2017 and concluded on November 27, 2017.
Tanmay Thakker’s The Screen House was judged the winning design and it was constructed in 2020 at 6822 Rowan in Sharpstown.