Join us for an afternoon of poetry featuring Dr. Catharine Savage Brosman, one of our nation’s leading poets. The doors to Alta Arts will open at 2 pm – we will be serving coffee/tea and an assortment of light bites prior to her reading. Tickets are $10 and seating will be limited.
Following is one of the reviews of her work.
Brosman has recovered for contemporary poetry a concern for the essentially human and universal within a romantic poetry of reflection that will remind many readers of William Wordsworth. Brosman’s poetry is by turns cosmopolitan, tasting of a broad range of places and landscapes, and steeped in the American south and southwest, where she has lived much of her life. What makes such poetry a pleasure to read is the way they invite one into the entire world, not just wide of breadth but also rich in depth. I remain convinced Brosman’s greatest strength is in a thematically and formally expansive poetry that weeps us up into the life of her thought.
—James Matthew Wilson, director of the MFA program in creative writing at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, and poetry editor of Modern Age.